How I Work

Penny Raisor

My method of styling is something I developed over time with input from a lot of sources. This post will be an explanation of my philosophy and techniques, and what my ultimate goal is with my clients.

I Feel Pretty
My journey with personal style started early. I had always LOVED clothes, drew designs in notebooks, and told everyone I was going to grow up to be like Donna Karan. The summer before 4th grade, I read an article in a girls’ magazine about seasonal color analysis, and it blew my mind. I loved the idea that there were clothes made for people who looked like ME. As a Greek girl in northern Georgia, I was nearly the only person with olive skin, curly black hair, and dark eyes in my school. I was delighted to be reminded that those traits were a positive thing after years of thinking I “looked weird” because I didn’t look like my classmates. I believe feeling like the way you were made is exactly right is a right of every woman.

Why Can’t It Be Easy
In the study of personal style, there is a widespread belief that personality, coloring, and body shape are intertwined in such a way that a study of the look and shape of a person’s facial characteristics, coloring, and/or body type can give you insights into their being and thus generate a framework for their ideal style. This method of styling people has a long history, and over time has led to the production of a wealth of color charts, “seasons”, and “types” that people can be assigned to, many of which are very valuable for research and inspiration purchases. Many systems originating from this mindset allow for a great degree of personalization within the categories, but some assert that every single person will fit nicely into just one category. Before becoming a stylist, I spent 6 years studying and testing the methods and advice from a variety of systems on myself and friends. Seeing what worked and didn’t, and learning why, convinced me that assigning a “type” would just never feel right to me, and didn’t give me the best tools to help clients craft their best, most authentic, look.

Are You Sure?
A person is so complex, even on the outside. We have a face which looks different from different angles, a body which changes over time and even throughout the day, and coloring which changes with the years. A woman’s facial coloring changes significantly with monthly hormone changes. As anyone who is familiar with pattern alteration can attest, bodily variations are the norm, not an exception. I had four children over a nine year period, and my weight fluctuated 30-60 lbs over and over. Learning to dress my body after every change was so frustrating, and I wanted SO badly to be able to find a simple answer. I found that in looking on Pinterest for inspiration, I was repeatedly drawn to formalwear which was hard to translate into wearable items for a mother of small children. Body shape recs never seemed to fit exactly (where are the petite broad shouldered hourglasses??). Add to that microtrends changing the ideal trendy style every week, and I felt completely overwhelmed.

What Even Are Clothes AMIRITE
Someone recommended the book Seeing Through Clothes to me (not a sponsored link, I just like it!), and it spoke to me. Beyond the idea of clothing as a medium for personal expression, it made me realize how much clothing is like a language, and a living history. Fashion throughout time has had such complicated meanings, and learning more about what certain styles say is something you can’t un-learn. I saw how, throughout history, much of fashion has been a reflection of body ideals, and greatly affected by economic and social factors. I saw how certain body types are praised in connection with certain perspectives, and denigrated with others, without any moral truth behind it (Note: I believe gaining this perspective is great for any woman, but particularly if you struggle with body image issues).

That’s It, I’m Wearing a Sack
Whether you want it or not, the style and color of your clothing tells people something about you. Looking amazing is a great side effect, but the thing I am most concerned with is IMPRESSION MANAGEMENT: building a wardrobe that says the things that you would like people to know about you before you speak. Of course we can’t control everything, but thankfully science has studied the effects of color and style to a degree that we can now make a very educated guess as to what an outfit is going to say to a stranger.

Okay But How Do I Actually Dress Myself
Learning how your body is uniquely shaped will help you make choices while shopping that are more likely to fit without needing tailoring, and help you build a closet fill of well-fitting items (the number two thing that affects how people see you after cleanliness). Learning what different colors, patterns, and contrast levels say on you will help you choose a look to reflect who you are inside. When I interview a new client, I ask about everything from favorite cities to songs so we can bring your personal taste and unique perspective right out to the surface. You’ll look perfectly you, your most beautiful, and clear the way for the life you deserve. I can’t wait to do this with you!